Medical Grade Skincare

We believe in clean products with scientifically proven results, free from all the bad stuff: parabens, sulfates, phthalates, dye, artificial fragrances, dyes, environmental and animal cruelty. That is why we partnered with AlumierMD so that we can bring you a product line that you can feel good about without sacrificing results. Each of you have a unique skin profile and Alumier has trained us to help prescribe you the optimal at-home regimen to address specific concerns, slow the ageing process and enhance in-clinic treatment results. We recommend booking a consultation to assess your skin and see how we can get you started on the road to clear and beautiful skin!

Online Portal

One less errand to run: After your skin assessment, you will have the option to purchase online with free express shipping directly to your doorstep—a service unique to AlumierMD. You will never see it available online elsewhere.

If you already have a unique access code from us, click below to order online. To get your unique access code, contact us.