
Not all microneedling devices are created equal, which is why we choose to use SkinPen® exclusively. The needles used with SkinPen® are sterile, high-quality and laser cut to prevent unnecessary damage to the skin as can be observed from other devices. SkinPen® is superior to other microneedling devices in that the reciprocating mechanism lies within the disposable, one-time-use tip which prevents any back flow of fluids into the device. This safety feature is imperative to proper infection control and disease prevention. SkinPen® is only available for sale to medical professionals for quality assurance purposes so you will not find it from unregulated providers.

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What is it? 

Microneedling, also known as Collagen Induction Therapy (CIT), stimulates the skin’s natural self-repair mechanism by creating thousands of controlled micro-injuries in the skin, which triggers new collagen synthesis. It is a natural way to correct a wide variety of concerns: hyperpigmentation/dark spots, large pores, pitted scarring, acne scars, surgical scars, uneven tone and texture, lines and wrinkles, crepiness, tech-neck, stretch marks, and more. Microneedling is often combined with PRP or custom-tailored vitamin mixtures targeted to your exact concerns.


The treatment start to finish typically takes 45 minutes. Topical anaesthetic is used to make the treatment more comfortable and is generally well-tolerated. Multiple passes over the skin will be made at different depths, from 0.25mm to 2.5mm, each pass targeting a different aesthetic outcome for the skin. This generates redness/erythema in the skin and the healing cascade begins. Redness typically lasts 1-2 days and may be compared to a bad sunburn. Minor flakiness may be noticed in about 1 week depending on your at-home skincare routine and the moisture level of the skin. This is a normal reaction to the exfoliating properties of microneedling.

To supplement the effects of microneedling, we offer a variety of targeted serums and Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP).  Your provider will discuss the best option for your skin at your appointment.


In as little as a few days after your first treatment, you will begin to notice a more even skin tone and smaller pores. Smoother texture begins to show later in the week as the skin continues to shed the top, dead layers.  Over the coming months, collagen networks are developing and you will notice firmer more elastic skin and fewer lines and wrinkles.

If you are treating a certain skin condition such as hyperpigmentation, acne scars or deeper wrinkles it is recommended to have 3-6 treatments every 4-6 weeks.  Maintenance treatments, general skincare and antiaging treatments are recommended 2-3 times per year.

Preparing for Your Treatment

Before your consultation or treatment, prepare any questions that you have about the procedure and indicate to your provider your exact skincare concerns.  You will want to avoid any heavy topical exfoliants such as retinols, Retin-A, BHAs and AHAs for at least 1-2 weeks before your appointment as they can cause unnecessary irritation when combined with microneedling.  Arrive to your appointment with clean skin, free from any makeup. Men are asked to shave facial hair if they wish to treat that area. Avoid blood thinning medications such as Advil, Aspirin, Naproxen etc. to reduce risk of bleeding. Allow yourself a few days of social downtime after your treatment for redness and flakiness to subside. Proper post-procedure skincare is highly encouraged, you may discuss options with your provider.

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