Botulinum Toxin FAQs

How do Botulinum Toxins work?

Simply put, they temporarily interrupt the communication pathway from your brain to your muscles. Our nerves eventually form new connections after about 3-4 months, which is why you will need re-treatment at this time.

How much do I need?

When it comes to botulinum toxins, there is no one-size-fits-all. Everyone has different muscle sizes, orientation, strength, response to treatment, metabolism etc. Additionally, many people have different goals, whether softening or fully treating the muscles. See the face chart for average units used per area as a guideline. You will require an in-person consultation to learn exactly how much product you will need.

How long does it last?

Results begin to show in a few days and last 3-4 months on average for common areas such as the frown/11’s, forehead and crow’s feet. Lip Flips, gummy smile, downturned smile tend to last 2 months as these areas have strong, active muscles and a low dose is typically administered. Reduction of masseters, trapezius and calf muscles can last approximately 6-8 months. Underarm hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating) typically lasts 6-8 months.

Is it safe?

Generally, botulinum toxins are well-tolerated by most people as the proteins are highly purified. Your provider will discuss all risks and side effects prior to your treatment.

Can I get botulinum toxins when I am pregnant or breastfeeding?

No. There is a lack of research demonstrating the safety during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Advise your provider if you are pregnant, are planning to become pregnant or breastfeeding.

What is the difference between filler and botulinum toxin (Dysport, Botox Cosmetic, Nuceiva, Xeomin, etc)?

Dermal fillers add volume in order to correct hollowness, volume loss, wrinkles and folds. Common treatment areas are lips, cheeks, chin and jawline. Botulinum toxins act on the muscle by temporarily inhibiting their connection to the brain. Common treatment areas are frown lines (11’s, glabella), forehead lines and crow’s feet (around the eyes).

Lip Augmentation FAQs

How long do lip fillers last?

Everyone is different! It all depends how your body metabolizes the product. For many, they will last 6-9 months. For others it may be much longer (up to two years) and rarely, some last fewer than 6 months.

How do I know how much filler I will need?

If you are new to lip augmentation we recommend booking a consult to determine a treatment plan that allows us to achieve your desired look in a natural and gradual way. Most people begin with 0.5cc (half-syringe) as it is subtle, yet noticeable once the lips have fully healed and the filler has settled in. Each plan is tailored to your needs, as everyone has different lip shapes, fullness and available space to support filler. This can make it difficult to compare exactly to other people’s results with the same volume. We offer lip augmentations in graduated amounts: 0.25cc, 0.5cc, 0.75cc, 1.0cc, so you pay only for what you need.

What happens when all of the filler is gone/dissolved? Do my lips look empty?

Simply: no they won’t. Collagen production is stimulated during lip augmentations both by the product itself and the needle pokes used to inject the filler. This new collagen/elastin/fibrin matrix keeps the area plump and tight, even in the absence of filler. In addition, your body breaks down filler very slowly relative to your natural skin turnover cycle which allows ample time for your skin to compensate and adjust for the decrease in volume.

How long is the downtime?

This varies greatly from person-to-person depending on your propensity to bruise and swell. On average, swelling and bruising subside mostly within a few days and are fully healed after 2-3 weeks.

How long do I need to wait if I want to add more?

This depends on your healing process. Retreatment is typically recommended after at least 4 weeks to allow optimal time for healing. In some cases, depending on your healing process retreatment can happen as soon as 2 weeks.

I get cold sores frequently. Could receiving a lip augmentation cause an outbreak?

Any trauma or stress around the mouth area may trigger an outbreak, particularly if you get frequent outbreaks (4 or more per year). If you are concerned, speak to your family physician one week before your appointment and they may prescribe an oral antiviral medication to prevent/lower the risk of an outbreak after lip augmentation. Alternatively, we can discuss other options at your appointment.

Non-Surgical Nose Job FAQs

What can it do for me?

This treatment is for select candidates looking to lift or refine their tips, build a higher bridge or disguise a dorsal hump. It always requires a consultation before proceeding and may be done over two treatments to account for swelling and ensure perfect results.

Does it make my nose bigger?

Technically yes, however, adjusting proportions and the way light hits your nose may actually trick our eye like an optical illusion making it appear smaller.

Is it safe?

Noses are considered a higher risk area of injection so we use a combination of needle and cannula technique to minimize risk. For safety reasons we are selective of who we perform this treatment on. If you have experienced severe trauma, have had rhinoplasty or septoplasty you may not be a good candidate for this treatment.

How long does it last?

Filler in the bridge area can last about 2 years or longer. Nose tips may last anywhere from 1-2 years.


Most clients are able to proceed with their day without any downtime. Bruising and swelling are the most common side effects and may last 1-2 weeks after injection. Final results are noticed after 2-4 weeks depending on your healing process.

Fat Dissolve FAQs

Is it painful?

Some people experience a warm or burning sensation that resolves a few minutes after injection. We apply ice before and after to make the treatment more comfortable. The area may feel stiff, tender and/or numb for about 1 week.

Does it really work?

Anecdotally, absolutely yes. As humans, we all metabolize and react to medications differently, so you may require more or less treatments to achieve your desired results. The treatment has demonstrated its effectiveness in clinical trials and is widely used by many practitioners in North America.

What other areas can be treated?

Areas outside the submentum/double chin are considered off-label treatments. Common areas include: jowls, bra-roll, underarm fat, banana roll, back of the arms, thighs, abdomen, etc. Large areas may be better addressed by other modalities such as diet/exercise or energy-based devices such as SculpSure or CoolSculpting. Book a consultation with us to discuss your area of concern.

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