Hair Restoration with Platelet Rich Plasma

Approximately half of all men,  one third of pre-menopausal and two thirds of post-menopausal women will experience hair loss to some degree in their lifetime.  This has the potential to greatly interfere with emotional and social well-being of those affected. Thankfully, there is a growing list of treatment options to which hair loss can be delayed, halted and even reversed, some surgical and others more naturopathic.  In our practice, we offer Platelet Rich Plasma or PRP therapy to stimulate the body’s repair system to bring back sufficient nutrient supply to the follicles that have been compromised resulting in in thicker, stronger and healthier hair.

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Types of Hair Loss

There are many types of hair loss, but the two most common, and the most treatable by PRP include:

Androgenic Alopecia 

Commonly referred to as “male/female pattern baldness”, androgenic alopecia is a hormonal disruption caused by genetic, environmental or lifestyle factors that affects both men and women alike.  For men, it causes the hairline to recede, most often at the crown and temples and gradual thinning throughout the scalp. Women experience thinning beginning at the partline and gradually diffuses outward. There are 7 stages of hair loss on a diagnostic tool called the Norwood Scale to classify male pattern baldness and a 3 stages of the Ludwig Classification for women; if treatment begins in the earlier stages it typically leads to better outcomes.

Alopecia Areata

In this type of hair loss, the immune system targets the hair follicle and disrupts its normal function.  The exact cause is unknown but it may be linked to some autoimmune conditions or extreme stress and may have a genetic link. It often presents as one or more patches of hair loss anywhere on the body.  Addressing the cause as well as directly treating the scalp can be effective at treating this type of alopecia.



Norwood Scale of Male Pattern Baldness Stages
Ludwig Classification of Women's Hair Loss Stages

Norwood Scale

Ludwig Classification

Treatment with PRP


In order to slow down or even reverse the progression of hair loss, the goal is to stimulate repair of the damaged follicles, create an environment that supports regrowth and prolong the hair’s life cycle.  We inject the area with a component of your own blood called platelet rich plasma or PRP.  PRP is loaded with essential growth factors, proteins and nutrients that are responsible for tissue healing and regeneration. By creating micro-injuries to the scalp or affected area, we signal the inflammatory cascade to respond to the area and begin the repair process. Sometimes this approach may be combined with other treatment types or medications.


The first step is withdrawing a small sample of your blood (8-10ml) into a sterile, closed system and centrifuging to separate the beneficial healing components within the plasma.  The plasma portion is then withdrawn from the tube and re-injected into the scalp or affected area using a needle or device. This process takes about one hour.


PRP treatments are recommended every 4-6 weeks for a minimum of 3 treatments.  More may be recommended depending on the severity of hair loss. PRP is not a cure, so maintenance treatments are recommended 2-3 times per year, depending on the starting point and response to treatment.


It can take up to 6-12 months to notice a thickening of the hair in a mirror, but many begin to see a difference after about 3 months. Results are highly variable as they depend on a number of factors such as: quality of PRP, injection technique, diet and lifestyle, genetics and adherence to treatment plan. At your appointment, we will discuss various ways that you can help improve your results take before-and-after photos to assess progress.