We choose to use the French-made brand STYLAGE® for all dermal filler treatments based on its unique IPN-Like, monophasic cross-linking technology that allows for natural looking and feeling results. STYLAGE® is a hyaluronic acid (HA) based filler that is indicated in the treatment of fine to deep lines and folds in the face and body. Its rheology (how it behaves in the tissues) makes STYLAGE® safe, smooth and effective at all skin depths. STYLAGE® is the only product range that infuses antioxidants (mannitol and sorbitol) to help neutralize harmful free radicals that cause filler to break down quicker. What you will notice with STYLAGE® versus other brands is soft-feeling, smooth results that are long-lasting.

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You are likely seeking dermal filler treatments for one of two reasons: augmentation vs. maintenance or anti-ageing. When you are seeking a treatment to enhance a specific area, for example the cheeks or lips, or make a change to a feature, for example a downturned nose-tip or recessed chin, it is considered an augmentation or enhancement. Maintenance or anti-ageing means to simply keep up with your body’s natural course of volume loss that comes with ageing. For each concern, your injector will select the appropriate molecule size for the treatment. They range from S or small molecule, for areas like undereyes and fine lines to XXL or extra-large molecule for treating jawlines, chins, cheeks and noses.

Treatment Areas

  • Lip Augmentation: (expandable explanations) Change the shape, enhance hydration, replace volume loss or achieve larger lips.
  • Chin: Elongate the face, increase projection, soften shadowing and lines, improve overbite/recessed appearance
  • Peri-oral: Improve fine to deep lines around the mouth, shadowing, feather/smoker lines, lift downturned mouth corners, disguise marionette lines
  • Nasolabial Folds: Soften fine to deep folds, skinboosting for creases, sometimes combined with cheeks/mid-face for lift
  • Cheeks: Replace mid-face to lateral cheek volume loss, overall facial lifting, defining and contouring for an OGEE curve, assists in reducing nasolabial folds
  • Undereyes/Tear Troughs: Replace volume loss, reduce shadowing and “bags”, look less “tired”, medial to lateral trough
  • Temples: Replace volume loss to achieve overall lift, soften appearance of ageing/extreme weight loss
  • Brow bone: Sculpt an orbital rim, improve eyelid ptosis
  • Forehead: Rounding, softening of bony prominences
  • Nose/non-surgical nose job/liquid rhinoplasty: Increase bridge height, narrow appearance from front-view, tip-lift and reshaping
  • Jawline: Enhance/contour jawline and jawline angle, reduce appearance of jowling, lower face lifting for ageing faces, especially women
  • Soft-Lift: In addition to multiple treatment areas, product placed by the ear and near the hairline can help achieve overall lift
  • Necklace lines: Correct “tech-neck” or “necklace” lines,
  • Hands: Replace volume loss, reduce bony/veiny appearance
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Lip Augmentation FAQs

How long do lip fillers last?

Everyone is different! It all depends how your body metabolizes the product. For many, they will last 6-9 months. For others it may be much longer (up to two years) and rarely, some last fewer than 6 months.

How do I know how much filler I will need?

If you are new to lip augmentation we recommend booking a consult to determine a treatment plan that allows us to achieve your desired look in a natural and gradual way. Most people begin with 0.5cc (half-syringe) as it is subtle, yet noticeable once the lips have fully healed and the filler has settled in. Each plan is tailored to your needs, as everyone has different lip shapes, fullness and available space to support filler. This can make it difficult to compare exactly to other people’s results with the same volume. We offer lip augmentations in graduated amounts: 0.25cc, 0.5cc, 0.75cc, 1.0cc, so you pay only for what you need.

What happens when all of the filler is gone/dissolved? Do my lips look empty?

Simply: no they won’t. Collagen production is stimulated during lip augmentations both by the product itself and the needle pokes used to inject the filler. This new collagen/elastin/fibrin matrix keeps the area plump and tight, even in the absence of filler. In addition, your body breaks down filler very slowly relative to your natural skin turnover cycle which allows ample time for your skin to compensate and adjust for the decrease in volume.

How long is the downtime?

This varies greatly from person-to-person depending on your propensity to bruise and swell. On average, swelling and bruising subside mostly within a few days and are fully healed after 2-3 weeks.

How long do I need to wait if I want to add more?

This depends on your healing process. Retreatment is typically recommended after at least 4 weeks to allow optimal time for healing. In some cases, depending on your healing process retreatment can happen as soon as 2 weeks.

I get cold sores frequently. Could receiving a lip augmentation cause an outbreak?

Any trauma or stress around the mouth area may trigger an outbreak, particularly if you get frequent outbreaks (4 or more per year). If you are concerned, speak to your family physician one week before your appointment and they may prescribe an oral antiviral medication to prevent/lower the risk of an outbreak after lip augmentation. Alternatively, we can discuss other options at your appointment.

Non-Surgical Nose Job FAQs

What can it do for me?

This treatment is for select candidates looking to lift or refine their tips, build a higher bridge or disguise a dorsal hump. It always requires a consultation before proceeding and may be done over two treatments to account for swelling and ensure perfect results.

Does it make my nose bigger?

Technically yes, however, adjusting proportions and the way light hits your nose may actually trick our eye like an optical illusion making it appear smaller.

Is it safe?

Noses are considered a higher risk area of injection so we use a combination of needle and cannula technique to minimize risk. For safety reasons we are selective of who we perform this treatment on. If you have experienced severe trauma, have had rhinoplasty or septoplasty you may not be a good candidate for this treatment.

How long does it last?

Filler in the bridge area can last about 2 years or longer. Nose tips may last anywhere from 1-2 years.


Most clients are able to proceed with their day without any downtime. Bruising and swelling are the most common side effects and may last 1-2 weeks after injection. Final results are noticed after 2-4 weeks depending on your healing process.